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Resolution and Action Plan

Here is our  Resolution and Plan! 


St. Johns County Republicans must unite and insist that the Republican Party of Florida enact a real  policy to fight judicial tyranny:


  • First: because federal judicial corruption is a blatant act of treason against the US Constitution and the US Constitution’s most fundamental values and laws, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, and Bill of Rights.


  • Second: because the Act has unconstitutionally secretly transferred power from Americans, the president, and Congress to the presiding officer of the judicial conference who just happens to also be the chief justice of the US Supreme Court.


  • Third: because the Judicial Conduct Act has been turned upside down and is being used to advance radical leftist policies that violate the Constitution, common sense, biblical wisdom, and any standard of decency known to mankind.

Action Plan

As St. Johns’ State Committeeman for the Republican Party of Florida, Asensio will work with the leaders of the Republican Party of Florida and its Republican Executive Committees in each county of the State of Florida:


  1. To change the Republican Party of Florida’s policy towards the US Judicial Conduct Act's errors and defects that opened rather than closed the floodgates of federal judicial corruption and has allowed judicial corruption to shamelessly dishonor the Constitution and America herself.                         

  2. To join with St. Johns Republicans in advising and assisting President Donald J. Trump in the filing of Consideration at the US Judicial Conference to address:

    • the use of organized federal judicial corruption to oppose America First and Make America Great Again policies and obstruct their executive implementation

    • the judicial  fabrication of money judgments and a criminal guilty verdict against Trump

    • the origins and consequences of the federal judges' role in Hillary Clinton’s Russian Collusion Hoax and Obama's Mueller investigation.

These two acts end the secret associations, secret proceedings, and secret deal-making at the US Judicial Conference that is the source of judicial and prosecutional corruption and the use of raw will and force against the American people.

These two Acts end the left's destruction of free speech and liberty. They end the use of raw will and force by federal government to take control of American Citizen's unalienable natural and civil rights, which neither judges nor Congress have any right to govern — at all no matter what process they provide.

The Eva Asensio Anti-Judicial Corruption Act (Eva Act) corrects the mistakes made by Congress in 1980 in the drafting the US Judicial Conduct Act. These mistakes gave the presiding officer of the US Judicial Conference executive absolute power to regulate judicial corruption.

The mistakes made by Congress in the US Judicial Conduct Act on top of the power Congress granted the chief justice in the Rules Enacting Act have allowed the federal judges to turn the rule of law upside-down and to eliminate and expand rights through raw will and force.
The Anti-US Government Act Treason and Tyranny Act end the federal government’s power to secretly use raw will, violations of the rules of law and the doctrines of separation of powers.

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