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The three men at the highest levels of government responsible for the certification of Electoral Votes of the
2020 presidential election .
Roberts and Barr are the Origins of the Muller Investigation Against Trump and Used Pence to Cover-It And-Alot More Up

The St. Johns County Presidential Republican Executive Committee knows exactly how Roberts and Barr worked together to get Pence to certify the 2020 Presidential Election and how they managed to dismiss the post-election litigation.

Americans have good reason to be skeptical of the 2020 election results. These reasons include lax enforcement or violations of election laws and controls, fraudulent votes and ballot stuffing, and corruption of voting mechanisms. Unelected judges working in US courts were the way to fully identify and examine every legitimate factual and constitutional concern and allegation, and to settle it.  The power to conduct a full investigation and verify the results was placed in the wrong hands, at the wrong time, in the wrong place by Bill Barr and Justice Roberts. The are the two men that decided to allow an election overwhelmed by corrupt judicial conduct to stand.
Chief Justice John Roberts single-handedly controls the nation’s US Judicial Conference. This is where he should, but doesn’t, regulate the Leftist judges that are fabricating the lunacies that we are all experiencing. Instead, he used the US Judicial Conference to let leftist federal judges take it themselves to dismiss election lawsuits, without due process, and then dismiss them himself. THEN CAME PENCE!

None of the controversies or evidence was ever heard in the nation’s federal trial courts before American jurors. The 2020 election was not the first time Roberts let the trial courts use legal shenanigans to frustrate President Trump. 

On the immigration issue, Roberts allowed a group of leftist federal trial judges to issue over 50 lawless nationwide injunctions against Trump’s plan to secure the nation's borders. 

At the trial and appeal level it was Roberts who authorized the notion that federal judges had a right to order an psychologic examination on Trump's reasons for putting a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, which only Obama had removed. In the General Michael Flynn case, Roberts allowed a federal trial judge to hire his own lawyer to challenge the Department of Justice’s decision to drop charges that were based on the evidence that had been fabricated by the Obama administration.

Roberts is out of control and allowed leftist judges who played a leading role in “the Resistance” to run amok with the election controversy. We need to strip Roberts and all other future chief justices of the US Supreme Court of the opportunity to use the US Judicial Conference to rubber stamp fraudulent federal judicial conduct.

US Attorney General William P. Barr betrayed President Trump. Barr came forward and declared there had been no fraud in the 2020 election, just at the time the president was making his case to the American people that the election had been stolen. Barr’s betrayal came on December 1, when he told the press there was no evidence of widespread election fraud. Barr did nothing to protect from Roberts’s use Leftist judges to assault the Office of the American Presidency and then usurped the president’s take care of law power to betrayed his president and his country. 

Finally, Mike Pence failed in his duty to the Constitution. Pence knew that that challenges to the election existed that provided sufficient grounds to decline to certify the slate of electors from those states. Pence knew that there were historical preferences for settling election controversies in Congress instead of the courts.  He knew that 11 Senators had rejected the electors for the disputed states and were advocating that Congress appoint an Electoral Commission to resolve the claims of serious election fraud that the Supreme Court failed to address.
But, on January 6, Pence decided his loyalties lay elsewhere, and he was unfaithful to his president, the Office of the American Presidency, and the Constitution. Pence usurped the president’s sole power to “take care” of law and certified the election despite the Supreme Court and Congress' refuse to hear and resolve the evidence . To make sure such a travesty never happens again, the record must show vice president’s wrongful conduct in certifying the electors.

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